The Kid Who Ran For Presedent

It was about this kid,judson moon his friend told him to run for president. At first he din’t want to but then he got seareus about it.This old African american woman was runing with him.This guy pete geura  was making news papers about him. Finely on the last day people ask him questions.On the news the news man said wich state who.

I liked it because it makes us confident to be president when we grow up.

History Of Red Ribbon Week

Red ribbon week started after the kidnap and murder of a drug enforcmanta ministratin agent “Kiki”.It helps bring awarenis to help stop people from doing more than 80 million people join the red ribbon week.In some states they call other communaties to wear a red ribbon on the last week of october.The first red ribbon week was with president Ronald Reaygan  and Nancy Reagan in 1988.It started small and then it got big realy quick.